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Disclaimer & Limitation of Liability

Who I Am: Isabel Benatar is not a licensed medical professional.  She is a publisher of information for educational purposes only and does not employ licensed medical physicians, nurses, dietitians, nutritionists or other medical or health care service providers. Isabel Benatar is not affiliated with any medical or other health care institution. Isabel Benatar offers a variety of video trainings and text based content on this website. 


None of her materials or content have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission or any other government agency. You understand that the information provided are not designed or intended to offer emergency medical care or response services.​


What I Do and Don’t Do: I offer general information about a non-medical process that has been effective in helping some people in alleviating back and body pain. However, each person is unique and the information included in the process may not be appropriate for your specific health or pain situation. I do not give medical advice or opinions on medical conditions, treatments or cures; and you should not rely upon anything in the process or process materials as a preventive, cure, or treatment for any purposes. Any information in the process or process materials that appears in the form of an opinion, recommendation, preventive, cure or treatment should NOT be taken as medical or other advice even if it may appear to you as such. I strongly recommends that you check with a licensed physician who is familiar with the details of your particular situation before you begin employing any of the strategies I suggest.


Your Responsibility: Your health is your responsibility. Your use of this information is your choice and will be at your own risk. The concepts shared are not intended to offer you all information about maintaining a healthy body. There are many options and alternative courses of action that may be equally or more beneficial to you. Depending upon your specific health situation, the information I share may be detrimental to your health. Exploring all of the options and alternatives is your responsibility.


Limitation of Liability: Isabel Benatar will not be liable for any injury, harm or death you or others may suffer as a result of the use or attempted use of ideas I share. Isabel Benatar will not be liable for any indirect, consequential, special, incidental or punitive damages related to your decision to employ the strategies suggested. Isabel Benatar's maximum liability for any claim based upon the information provided is limited to the retail price of the coaching services paid for. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.


Your health is your responsibility.
Check with your medical provider before using any of my concepts or ideas for eliminating pain or symptoms. 

Copyright ©2024 Isabel Benatar    Disclaimer

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